
Finnovation Lab Fellowship Fellow

Nine Months. Endless Potential. Supported by the Bush Foundation, the goal of the Finnovation Fellowship is to inspire, equip, and connect social business leaders in MN through an immersive 9-month program. Throughout the course of the program, the fellows engage in designed curriculum that teaches them both leadership and entrepreneurial skills. They have dedicated workspace to work alongside other professionals and cohort members. They have access to mentors, advisors, and a large network of other entrepreneurs. An extra bonus is they get a $50K living stipend.

Dress Up to Calm Down was picked to be one of 9 fellowship participants to represent Cohort 5 over the course of 2022-2023. Over thousands of businesses applied and we are so fortunate to be chosen.

We just graduated the fellowship program last week! It has been an incredible journey. The growth of our business over the course of 9 months has been transformational. Our entrepreneurial skills in the areas of finance, sales, marketing, and advertising have sharped.  We were able to create, test and launch 2 new products. Out of this program, we now have a business plan and pitch deck, immense growth, connections and a ecosystem of social enterprise entrepreneurs.

Check out more information on the fellowship and cohort 5 members here.

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